Every session Beam campers and staff build a unique and spectacular large-scale collaborative Project that serves as the central collaborative element of the Beam Camp experience. Projects are chosen from dozens of proposals by artists, architects, and other big thinkers in our annual international Open Call and design competition.
In the first two weeks of the 4-week program, campers cycle through different project shops to engage with the various tools, materials and techniques required to complete that specific summer’s project. Project work happens in the morning during these first two weeks, and it serves to get campers more familiar with project work and lead them into weeks three and four.
The third and fourth weeks of the session are when the Project construction goes into high gear. Campers transition from practicing fundamental skills under the instruction of our Project Staff to participating in peer-led teams of campers called “Waves” that finish the Project. Every day, each Wave is given a new challenge to execute phases of the Project autonomously, with staff on hand to provide support if needed.
At the end of each session, we gather to enjoy a special dinner and celebrate the completion of the Big Project.
Thanks to David Golann, Emily Wilson and Danny Kahn for incredible photography.