Beam Camp Staff are the teachers, builders, students, and mentors who work and play alongside campers, all while providing a safe and enriching camp experience. The Leadership Team and Instructional Staff are individuals over the age of 19 who make a life and living from pursuits involving invention, design, planning, and production. They are artists, architects, engineers, craftspeople, teachers, designers, chefs, scientists, and musicians.
Camp Co-Directors Brett Ricard and Pearl Cohen manage a staff of full-time and seasonal Beam Center employees who assist in planning, coordinating, and executing camp programming and day to day activities.
Professional artists, makers, and craftspeople whose time at Camp is primarily dedicated to leading Domains, project work periods, and guiding a camper’s Independent Work in their shop space.
Two Counselors live in each camper cabin. In addition to helping the campers build a unique cabin culture and camaraderie, Counselors act as instructors and assistants throughout the Beam Camp program. Counselors also work in self-designated focus groups throughout the summer to support either program design and activities, community care and maintenance, or shop instruction during Independent Work and construction of the Big Project. Many of our Counselors are Camp alumni and current college students working on degrees ranging from fine arts to urban sustainability.
In the first and second weeks of camp, guest artists join us at Beam Camp to lead week-long workshops in various disciplines. Domain guests we have invited include artists, chefs, designers, architects, craftsmen, scientists, and others who like to create and collaborate and feel aligned with Beam Camp’s ideologies.